Understanding Different Types of Dental Surgery from Beaverton Dental Office


For many people, no two words will strike fear in their hearts faster than dental surgery. Beaverton residents who end up needing oral surgery, however, quickly understand how useful, necessary, and varied the procedures that fall under that broad category really are. Daunting as it may seem at first, surgical dentistry is like any other medical procedure: unpleasant to think about when you’re completely healthy and don’t need it, but welcome and extremely helpful when you do. Part of getting past any initial squeamishness over emergency dental surgical procedures is simply understanding what they are and what they’re for.




Planned or emergency dental procedures that involve implants or prostheses of any kind are referred to as prosthodontic procedures. These include crowns where an artificial cap is placed on top of a badly damaged tooth, creating a long-lasting, strong barrier against further damage. Another example is veneers, which are often custom-made porcelain fittings that serve a primarily aesthetic purpose similar to crowns, but usually only on the front part of teeth. If a tooth is missing altogether, a bridge may be put in place. A bridge is an artificial tooth that is anchored in place by the neighbouring teeth using strong, permanent adhesive. All of these prosthodontic procedures can be done at most dentist offices, and others, including implants and dentures, can be either arranged or performed by dentists, depending on the setup of their clinics.


Endodontic Surgery


Inside every tooth is a substance known as pulp, and surgery involving the pulp or root of a tooth is called endodontic surgery. The most common (and possibly most feared) example of endodontic therapy is the root canal. During a root canal operation, a dentist or endodontist will clear out decayed parts of a tooth, drill down into the root, and remove the infected pulp that can cause severe pain. Once the infection has been cleared, the tooth is filled back in and a crown is put in place to prevent further infection or damage and to restore the tooth’s normal and natural function. Another slightly less common endodontic procedure is called an apicoectomy, also known as a root-end surgery. In an apicoectomy, the end of a tooth’s root is removed to clear out an infection, and the cavity is refilled afterwards. Apicoectomies are usually done after a normal root canal procedure has been unsuccessful and another attempt is not recommended for some reason.


Beaverton area dentists’ knowledge of various types of dental surgery is helpful in demystifying and makes it a little less daunting. If you know what you’re likely getting into, it makes it that much easier to prepare yourself mentally and physically. Often, local dental clinics are always ready to welcome new patients, and if they’re not, it’s often possible to find one that performs emergency dental surgery in Beaverton for non-patients as well. You can always trust an experienced and dedicated dentist with your oral health, but it never hurts to have a bit more information to keep as much peace of mind as possible.

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